did you know I teach empathy?

Yes, like an actual exercise to demonstrate it while listening to someone speak.

I call it being a “reflection mirror” and the Women’s Soul Circle is a monthly invitation to experience it.⁣

⁣I have never framed what I do in that way before and this is the first time I’ve wrote it. ⁣

⁣I knew it was always “connection” but I never framed it as empathy. ⁣

Today, I watched a YouTube video of Brene Brown talking about the 4 Qualities of Empathy:⁣

1. Perspective taking. Walk in their shoes

2. Staying out of judgment. ⁣

3. Recognizing the emotion. ⁣

4. Communication. Being expressive about their emotion and validating them.⁣

Empathy is feeling with people. That is everything we do in Circle!⁣

“To be seen, deeply heard and to feel valued
by a supportive and meaningful community.”⁣⁣

I’m honored to do the work that I do because it is my WHY.

I’m here to be a ripple effect through acts of kindness and
the kindest thing you can do in life is give someone your quality attention. ⁣


women’s soul circle